Friday, March 14, 2014

Understanding Bridge Dimension table

Understanding Bridge Dimension

In this blog I would try to explain what bridge dimensions are, where are they used and in what situation.
The star schema defines how the dimensions relate to the fact table. The cardinality is 1:N from dimension to fact table. The structure of the schema remains coherent till the point where 1:N cardinality is followed. When there exists an N:N relation between the fact and dimension then it causes the issue in relational integrity of the schema.
Imagine two situations
1.       Salesman selling an account: The fact table will have the account number and salesman ID.
2.       Relation between account and customer dimensions
Situation 1 has cardinality is 1:N i.e. one sales man can sell multiple account but one account number can have only one salesman associated with it. Whereas, situation 2 one account can have multiple customers and one customer can have multiple accounts and this type of cardinality is termed as N:N.
Now, N:N relationship creates a problem when such dimensions are directly connected to a star schema. Such as 

What is the problem with N:N
Just imagine the above schema to be correct, the fact table will then have rows indicating for an account. If that account has multiple customers then the same account number will be repeated times the customer count that account has. For example

In this table above we see Account 1 has three customers and customer 1 has two accounts and each is of different type. This creates an issue when running the aggregate query and finding out which customer has what account balance remaining.
One way to solve this discrepancy is to convert the scheme to 1:N or N:1 cardinality.
To implement such a schema bridge dimension is used.

Bridge dimension: This is the dimension which will be a bridge between customer and account dimension and would relate to each of the dimension with 1:N relation. 


Customer Dimension Attributes
·         Customer_ID
·         Customer_Name
·         Customer_Current_add
·         Customer_DOB……and more….

Account Dimension
·         Account_ID
·         Account_Type
·         Account_Status
·         Account_Current_Bal

·         Customer_ID
·         Account_ID
We notice here that Customer dimension and account dimension each is related to bridge dimension via cust_acct_bridge dimension with 1:N cardinality. And account table is attached to fact table via star schema in 1:N relation


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